A traffic ligth has 3 lamps, red, yellow and green. These lamps can be turned in off and on. Only one lamp is in ON.
There are 2 events, stop, and start
Start: Turn On the green ligth.
Stop: Turn Off the green ligth, turn on the yellow ligth for a moment, and then turn On de red ligth.
This is a class o structure can be programmed as object in arduino c++.
class Tligth{
byte color;
byte ytime;
byte interval;
void start();
void stop();
int getColor();
int getYtime();
void setYteme(int ms);
void setInterval(int ms)
AFIP paralyzed in Argentina.
The workers of AFIP (DGI) said a "total stop" for the next thurstay. The public will not be attended in any dependency of all the country. This was be solved by 3500 liders in a general conference with aead of Associetion of fiscal workers and earning publics.
School in Argentina explode with metano.
Two persons were died by an explotion of gas resources in Moreno Argentina, The plumber Cristian Javier Ricobene said that it was securing that space when the space was airy.The plumber visited the school a day before and inspect for gas leak. Then it was arrested for the local police of the city, apparently after inspect there were'nt any leak. The deputy director and watchman were died in explotion. Any pupil weren't injured in the explosion.
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